
Imagine a time when life was so certain that when you built a building for your business you were confident enough in the future that you put the name of the business into the very fabric of the building.

This is not a time of mergers and takeovers of globalisation and restructure, this is when life was more local and certain.

There are a number of such buildings around and so this blog is an attempt to record some of them and more importantly a bit of the history of the business which by and large are no longer with us.

If you know something about any of these business please add a comment. You can do this without having to sign up for anything and can be anonomous if you prefer.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Otago Road Services

This is 230 Main South Road Green Island

In amoungst the foliage of the Green Island Memorial Gardens is the name Otago Road Services.

Taken from their web site they are a family owned business started in 1947. (20/6/1947 to be exact)
The family in question is presumably the Sutherland family as Brent and Wayne Sutherland are the current Directors and Shareholders.
It would appear that they are at least the second generation of family as the company transfered ownership from Reginald and Eileen Sutherland in 2009 and given the start date it is likely the Reg and Eileen were the founders of the company.

There is a book on the subject Otago Road Services Ltd a Brief History by Wilma Mc Corkindale published in 1997, which I have not been inspired enough to read but if someone would like to send me a readers digest version that would be appreciated.

This is the other side of the building which gives a better view of it's purpose.

This is another rare example of a building bearing a name that still houses the business it was designed for although an alternative use of a bus garage does not readily spring to mind.

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