
Imagine a time when life was so certain that when you built a building for your business you were confident enough in the future that you put the name of the business into the very fabric of the building.

This is not a time of mergers and takeovers of globalisation and restructure, this is when life was more local and certain.

There are a number of such buildings around and so this blog is an attempt to record some of them and more importantly a bit of the history of the business which by and large are no longer with us.

If you know something about any of these business please add a comment. You can do this without having to sign up for anything and can be anonomous if you prefer.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Kensington Hotel

This is 6 King Edward Street

So whats wrong with this picture? The cast in stone Kensington sign rather than the more recent stuck on version in black is a bit lop sided don't you think.

And that is because some owner of the building has chipped of the other side which used to say Hotel which may be visible in the photo below if you look closely.

Double click to enlarge
 Now doubt this was done when the Hotel was converted to a Tavern in 1967 and was naturaly enough calling itself the Kensington Tavern as opposed to now when simply The Kensington is sufficient.

The pub itself has been on the sight since its founding in 1874 but I suspect this is not the original building. Like other pubs in the town at least it can claim it is still named correctly for the business inside the building.

Other than that it seems to have had an uneventful existance serving the needs of its customers.

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