
Imagine a time when life was so certain that when you built a building for your business you were confident enough in the future that you put the name of the business into the very fabric of the building.

This is not a time of mergers and takeovers of globalisation and restructure, this is when life was more local and certain.

There are a number of such buildings around and so this blog is an attempt to record some of them and more importantly a bit of the history of the business which by and large are no longer with us.

If you know something about any of these business please add a comment. You can do this without having to sign up for anything and can be anonomous if you prefer.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Bank of New Zealand Clyde

Sunderland Street, Clyde, Central Otago

So we already have an entry for Bank of New Zealand but I liked this one a lot because realative to other bank buildings it is a tiny "shack".

It is only an agency with the main bank branch being in Alexandra some dozen kms down the road.

Once again I am sure this is a left over from gold mining days when Clyde was a popular mining town and this would be the receiving point for that gold no doubt.

Today Clyde is a sleepy holiday town with the bank agency serving the still vital service of providing a quality coffee hit when that is your most important agenda item in an otherwise relaxing holiday day.

Just as a contrast here is the Alexandra branch which is a Cast in Stone building and still inhabited by BNZ

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