
Imagine a time when life was so certain that when you built a building for your business you were confident enough in the future that you put the name of the business into the very fabric of the building.

This is not a time of mergers and takeovers of globalisation and restructure, this is when life was more local and certain.

There are a number of such buildings around and so this blog is an attempt to record some of them and more importantly a bit of the history of the business which by and large are no longer with us.

If you know something about any of these business please add a comment. You can do this without having to sign up for anything and can be anonomous if you prefer.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Baptist Church

Double click to enlarge
This is 53 Hanover Street, Dunedin

The previous occupant and activity of this building is no mystery with the Label Baptist Church Sunday School proudly displayed at the top of the building. (you may need to expand the picture to see it clearly) Seems that not even the God business has longevity in this day and age given that a travel agent now inhabits the building.
The roman numerals above the door translate into 1880 which presumably is the age of the building.
The decline of all organised religions in todays society does not require any further expalantion here and many previous church buildings have been adapted to other uses.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, the church didn't die, it simply outgrew the building. Also, the building being so old required a lot of repairs, something the church did not want to invest in (ie invest in people, not in old buildings). The same church is currently in the process of building a very large church in Green Island.
